Saturday, December 29, 2012

I have a home!

Foster mom said I need to stop sleeping in the dirty laundry pile and let all my admiring fans know what's going on.

I have a forever home! There are other puppies there my size and I really want to play with one of them. I think they have good cookies there and I think I've been promised toys... The are some scary stairs there, but the cookies will be worth it!

I go home with my new mommy on New Years Day. A new year and a new start in life. Going to be one busy day for me!
I want to thank the family of my old forever home, everyone that let me sleep in their homes, all my car drivers in my journey, the plane pilots, BDRA, the eye Dr, the surgery vet, and all my other friends along the way. It was a huge effort made by a lot of special people that have an old pup like me a new chance to sleep in a warm cushy bed. And to play with toys of course! My eyes don't hurt anymore and I'm loving my life.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Aggie can open presents!

Quickest present ever! The stuffless squeakers work much better for Aggie
One her presents were open, Aggie was on a Xmas high!

Monday, December 24, 2012


I do not like this white stuff. Please take me back to Alabama.

No stitches!

Look I have no stitches! My eyes have a little swelling, but if I'm really good today the cone of shame doesn't have to go back on.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Mean foster mommy

I have some good news and sad news. I get my stitches out tomorrow morning! Foster mommy said I don't have to wear the cone of shame today!

I'm still on crate rest... I had to get a bath! I was scrubbed three times! Then all my good smelling covers were washed! This is a cruel world. I worked hard to get those covers smelling right.

Now I'm sobbing in my crate and no one cares! I refuse to chew my chewy. Two weeks of living in a crate is horrible.
Foster mom says it was so I healed quick and perfect from my surgery but I still think she's a meanie.

I hope Santa is nicer. Can't wait to see if I get some presents!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Three more days

Until this stupid cone leaves and I get my stitches out! My eyes look all healed. My right eye is a little bubbled out but that's just the way it healed. Can't wait to see what the dr says! I bet she will be super impressed with my healing powers. And they say older dogs heal slower. ..

Tuesday, December 18, 2012